Categories October HorrorPodcastSplit Picks

Split Picks: Dario Argento Pt. 2: ‘The Phantom Of The Opera’ (1998)

In the second episode of Split Picks’ Italian horror series, Bennett, Steve, and Craig debate the film many call Argento’s pivot point into mediocrity

Following last year’s series talking about the American titans of horror — Tobe Hooper, John Carpenter, Wes Craven, and George A. Romero — Split Picks visits another country renowned for its horror films: Italy. Here is the second episode discussing Dario Argento. After Pt. 1 about The Stendhal Syndrome Bennett Glace, Steve Collins, and Craig Wright take Split Picks into the caves to talk about Argento’s 1998 adaptation of The Phantom Of The Opera. Popular opinion says this is the point where Argento’s career took a turn for the worst, but Bennett argues that it stands tall with Argento’s best films.

Argento has directed some of the most iconic films, scenes, and shots in all of horror. His most famous works include Suspiria, Deep Red, Inferno, and Tenebre. His later works are often disregarded as a director past his prime, but almost all of his films have moments worth revisiting. Listen as Split Picks talks about rats, strange romantic chemistry, and what constitutes a bad film.

Listen to the Pt. 2 below, or on SpotifyApple, or Amazon:

Missed Pt. 1 on The Stendhal Syndrome? Listen here

Listen to last year’s series on the American Horror Titans: John Carpenter, Wes Craven, Tobe Hooper, and George A. Romero:

Purchase The Phantom Of The Opera from Amazon
Stay up to date with all things Split Tooth Media and follow Bennett and Craig on Twitter
Split Picks theme music by Nick Miller, Lee Walker, and Craig Wright

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Find the complete October Horror 2022 series here:

(Graphic by Jim Hickcox, Split Tooth Media)

Split Picks is the first original podcast from Split Tooth Media. We discuss two lesser-heralded works from a single artist and compare and contrast them to discover what these albums or films tell us about that artist's career. Created by Craig Wright.