Categories October HorrorPodcastSplit Picks

Split Picks: George A. Romero’s ‘Season of the Witch’ Vs. ‘Martin’

Split Picks concludes its series on the American horror greats with two early films by George A. Romero

Each week in October, Split Picks has dedicated an episode to the four titans of American horror directors — Tobe Hooper; John Carpenter; Wes Craven — and for the final episode, we turn to the Zombie Father Of The Dead, George A. Romero. Bennett Glace returns for his third horror episode and Snow Lietta makes her podcast debut in this matchup of two early Romero films: 1973’s Season of the Witch (aka Jack’s Wife, or the perplexing Hungry Wives) and his mid-career masterpiece, Martin (1978). We also take a short detour to The Amusement Park, Romero’s newly released posthumous film.

Join us as we close out the series and learn about Pennsylvania’s finest, what witchcraft in the modern day looks like, and whether Martin truly is a vampire.

Listen to the episode below, or on SpotifyApple, or Amazon:

Related: George A. Romero’s Martin: Searching The Soul Of An Incel Vampire In 2019 by Bennett Glace
The Parade Marches On: George A. Romero’s The Amusement Park (1975) by Bennett Glace

Find the complete October Horror 2021 series here:

October Horror 2021 feature image
Graphic by Jim Hickcox

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Split Picks theme music by Nick Miller, Lee Walker, and Craig Wright
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Split Picks is the first original podcast from Split Tooth Media. We discuss two lesser-heralded works from a single artist and compare and contrast them to discover what these albums or films tell us about that artist's career. Created by Craig Wright.